Tuesday, February 12, 2008

National GeographicTelevision

Main Article: National Geographic Channel

Stories of the National Geographic Society are shown on television. National Geographic special and TV series have been broadcast on PBS and other networks in the United States and throughout the world for many years. The geographic series began in the United States on CBS in 1964, moved to ABC in 1973 and transferred to PBS (produced by WQED, Pittsburgh), in 1975. She presented many stories about prominent academics as Louis Leakey, Jacques Cousteau, or Jane Goodall that not only presented their work, but helped make famous all over the world and accessible to millions of people. The specials' theme music by Elmer Bernstein, has also been adopted by the National Geographic Channel. The National Geographic Channel has started to launch a number of channels subbranded on international markets, such as Nat Geo Wild, Nat Geo Adventure, Nat Geo Junior, and Nat Geo Music.

In 1997, at the international level, and in 2001 in the United States, the Company launched, in part ownership with other entities such as News Corporation, the National Geographic Channel, a television channel to the worldwide distribution for cable viewers and the satellite.

National Geographic Films, a wholly owned subsidiary taxable subsidiary of the National Geographic Society, has also produced a feature film based on the diary of a submarine commander Russian starring Harrison Ford and K-19: The Widowmaker, and, more recently, retooling do a search Franco - Documentaries for distribution in the United States with a new client and the script narrated by Morgan Freeman called March of the Penguins, who received an Oscar for best documentary in 2006. After a record $ 77 million theatrical gross in the United States, more than four million DVD copies of the March of the Penguins have been sold. National Geographic Films launched a new feature called Arctic in July Tale, featuring the story of two families walrus and polar bears. Queen Latifah is the narrator of this film. Inspired by an article in National Geographic Magazine, National Geographic opened in October 2007, a 3-D reality, and large-format 3-D film called Sea Monsters, with music by Peter Gabriel. National Geographic Films is co-producing with Edward Norton and Brad Pitt the 10-hour mini-series by Steven Ambrose's award-winning Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson and the Opening of the American West for HBO. The website of National Geographic (nationalgeographic.com) provides a wealth of content in multimedia formats, including a recently launched site showed the world music.

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